Wednesday, April 23, 2008

What to update the blog with today?

I wanted to update today since I figure if anyone is looking at this blog they would like to see something new. I originally was going to do a rant about the sanctity of human life, but that got to be too depressing, so I decided to put it off for now. (I was getting too depressed just writing it.) I was then going to talk about Secretaries Day (I’m sorry, Adminstrative Professionals Day), but that also fell through. I even thought about doing a top ten list of why sleep deprivation was good for you. Of course I fell asleep at number ten, so that didn’t work out too well either. I tried to figure out if I was lame enough to write in my blog about trying to come with something to write in my blog. As you can see the answer is yes. I usually come up with a general idea on my way into work. I have a half hour commute, so I have enough time to generate an idea. I then let it stew for a bit as I get the morning going. Soon I hit a problem that either is tough to solve or that I don’t want to solve for work and that lets me jump over to blog writing. I usually bang it out in a few minutes (bet you already figured that one out from the quality of writing) and then return to work feeling I’ve at least done some writing today, even if it wasn’t towards one of my writing projects. So far it’s been fun to talk to myself. I figure someday I might see a couple of visitors, but in the meantime I can talk to myself and not have people think I’m crazy or have a blue tooth headset embedded into my skull.

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