Thursday, April 17, 2008

Memorable words

Ever wonder about certain phrases? I personally wonder about the “There’s more than one way to skin a cat.” Was this popular at some time? Did someone wake up one day and start bragging to their friends, “Hey you want to know something? There must be six or seven ways to skin a cat.” They must have been impressed and repeated it to their friends. Pretty soon someone shortened it since they couldn’t remember the exact number of ways, so they threw in the many and TaDa, a catch phrase was born. I love cats, so I don’t use that particular one, but can you imagine how cool it would be to like invent one that everybody uses, that will outlive you, and probably mean something totally different in the future? Shakespeare made up a ton of words, many of them in use today. He made up cool words like discontent, circumstantial, eyeball, and varied just to name a few. He was doing this in a time where it was quite common to try to create a word when the perfect word didn’t seem to be available. Today with our spell checkers and grammar police I bet this practice would have been frowned upon, or at the very least considered to be flawed (another made up Shakespeare word). I want to do this someday. I figure a new word might have much more staying power, but I think I could be happy with a phrase. Either way I want to be able to say I created that. Just as long as it doesn’t get used too much.

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