Wednesday, April 2, 2008

As the phrase turns

I have a file on my computer that I store witty pieces of dialog I either hear or say, hoping that I will use them some day in my writing. What’s funny is that while I keep adding to that sheet, I usually don’t pull what’s in there into my work. Why is that? I think there are two reasons. The first is that I forget that it’s there. It’s simple to remember when I hear something. I get excited and I can’t wait to add it to the list. When I am writing though I get so focused on the story at hand that I forget to look at the sheet till the story is done, and that’s where reason two hits. The phrase is really good, but only in the right context. What I wrote won’t fit, and that means modifying the story a lot just to get in that good piece of dialog. That is too much work for what could be little reward. I’ve decided before I write my next project I am going to read through my list, and then work on my outline (I love outlines, they are shorter than first drafts and hopefully save you just as much work). This will keep those gems fresh in my mind, allowing me to place them into my work to help it sparkle.

You might ask what brings this up. I was talking with my very good friend V (who should start posting on her blog again so I can link to it.) and we were talking about raising kids and the phrase came up, “Puberty conquers all”. Now I love this phrase. Maybe it’s one of those you had to be there, but I think even if it’s one of those I can create the scene such that you are there, then you can enjoy the phrase too. At least that’s if I can get off my duff and get writing again. Right now I’m rewriting and getting some scripts ready for the Nicholls and the Austin Film Festival, as well as trying to come up with another short I can shoot. Now if I can just fit in work and my wife and kids I’ll be all set.

By the way, the more phrases the better so if you have some/any please leave them in the comments. Who knows, maybe you’ll see/hear it someday.

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