Monday, June 30, 2008

Still not regularly posting, but....

Hey, you just have to keep on working on it, right? Let me see, what is new? I'm trying to get a group of people together to do the 48 hour film project in Buffalo, NY. My brother lives in Rochester, NY so we will base our shoot out of his house. The real question is getting a group of core people who want to be in it so I can justify the entry fee. There is a small part of me that says why not do it anyway and deal with what I can. Of course the other part of me is thinking that the just do it part has lost its mind. It brings up that the last challenge I did had one more day thrown in and I had a lot of people participating so the load I carried was a lot less. Of course conversely I did do most of the time consuming things and since I was director and producer (and writer of course) that it doesn’t leave me a lot to worry about overall with adding on other jobs. I just wish I would hear back from one or two more people who are interested, especially in the brainstorming session and the acting part of it. Hopefully my recruiting drive will work and we will be on.

On a side note I’m looking once again at my alterative time threads screenplay and trying to make sure there is enough conflict. I’m not sure there is since act two is mostly a “fish out of water” type stuff, then mixed in with a “how do I get back to my life” part. I’m not sure the conflict is foremost, and if it is, if it’s enough. I might have to do a pager one rewrite just to see if I can get it right this time. I’ll tell you more next month (since it is the 30th. J )

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More random thoughts

I just brought home my first HDtv yesterday. First impressions were less than overwhelming. The colors were over saturated, the picture fuzzy, and well, it just looked bleh. Then I realized my media splitter box could have been the culprit. Becky and I took it out and low and behold now I see what all the fuss is about. Beautiful clean picture and this is before we get anything in HD. I think this is the same for a lot of things in life. We have our own splitter boxes, things that we filter all of our life experiences through. For me it’s sometimes being passive and just taking everything in. I talk about doing things, about trying to make differences in all things I do, but I know soon I’ll sink back into coasting mode. I could blame it on my young children, or the work I do, or whatever. In reality the fingers point to me and the habits I have. I need to get better at doing and less at watching or waiting. Writing is a classic example. It is easy to wait for the muse to whisper in my ear sweet nothings of goodness, but I know in reality that writing is a craft that sometimes you need to hit your head against the keyboard to loosen up some ideas that are stuck up there. Is that fun? Hell no, and sometimes I get the s key stuck to my forehead, but it’s truly the only way to get going anywhere.

When I was a kid I wanted to be the absolute best at something. I didn’t care what it was, but I wanted to find something I could be the best in. I just knew I was a natural something; I just needed to figure out what that something was. I searched around low and high and while I could find things I was good at, there was always someone better. That proved to be very frustrating. Where was my niche? What made me special? I know, I was the best me I could be, but that was bull crap, and I knew it. From sports, to school, to whatever I couldn’t find a way I was naturally the best. Here’s the silly part. I didn’t realize that it was the work that separated the best from the rest. Yes they might be naturally gifted in that area, but gifts are only going to get you so far. You still need to put in the time and energy to get better at it. You also need to have the drive to improve since the better you get the less the improvement with the same amount of time and effort (at least in my experience). I am trying to get myself there. I don’t mean I still need to be the best at what I do, but I do want to be more active, always improving so I can honestly say I tried to maximize myself, and that’s all you really can do, isn’t it?

Okay enough philosophy crap. Next time maybe we will start with a germ of an idea and develop it right on the website. We can see how far all of us can take it. (And since I’m the only one reading this…..)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

I'm baaack!

Okay, so I haven’t been too good at updating the old blog in the past month. You might ask what has kept you so busy. My answer would be everything and nothing. Everyone has those times where work, family, social life, and community obligations just overwhelm us. Well, that was me for the past month. I think I’ve put my hands around it lately and have whittled away on my side projects down to a mere handful, but we will see how long that holds up.

I am trying to develop a new short movie. I’m not going to put artificial time limits on it, but I do know it won’t be feature length. I have a really interesting set of characters, and one of them has a pseudo supernatural quirk that makes her kind of cool. I know a lot about her social life. I know her upbringing. I know about her boyfriend. I know her friend at work. The problem is I don’t know where she works yet. To me I need that to wrap all my ideas around. My female lead needs to deal with quirk both as a personal thing, but I think it would have a lot of potential at work. I just don’t want to run off and make her something the quirk would immediately fit into since she develops it during the first act of the screenplay. Maybe you would get a gift that makes your job easier, but to me that would be too, I don’t know, contrite? Contrite might not be the right word, but the feeling is correct. It would be cool if the work was unrelated, but then she can start seeing the pluses and minuses of what she can do. So I am at an impasse. Oh, and did I mention I want to shoot this one so I need to have the work function be something I can do in my small rural northern New York community? Yeah, that makes things harder.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I’m in a melancholy mood today. I don’t know why, but I just am. Sometimes when I get in these types of moods I either look for changes I need to make to my life to get me out of the mood, or else I start waxing philosophical. Today it is more of the philosophical. What defines life and consciousness? I’m not going to claim to answer that here in my post, but I had some observations and they seem quite puzzling to me.

The human body is made up of cells. This in and of itself isn’t that surprising, but each of those cells can have a life outside my body. They can harvest cells and grow them if the conditions are right and they are perfectly happy not being a part of me. This makes me ponder existence. Think about this. You are made of millions of living organisms. They all have formed a society inside which they act. This society, you, has a separate consciousness from all the parts, i..e. cells. Why is that? What part of you is different than the living parts that make up you? It’s almost enough to really freak you out when you think it through. It sort of goes back to the whole abortion debate, which I am not going there. So you that is you has a different life then the cells that make up you. How did they decide one day to make multi-celled organisms in the first place? Now if you follow the evolutionary route basically one cell decided to split into two, or two cells got together to cohabit, and they found it worked better and the beat goes on. If you take the religious note then God had a hand in getting the guys together, whether in the initial creation, or along an evolutionary path that God started up. Once again, when did the grouping of cells take on characteristics where the sum of the whole developed a different level on consciousness then the parts? If you want to give this part of us that is us a name, and I will call it spirit for the lack of something better, does that mean dogs and cats, fish and birds, that they all have sprit of one sort or another? That thought troubles me, but of course the same can be asked of plants. Just because they can not let their feelings be known they have a complexity that could have this nebulous spirit attached. It makes one wonder about your place in the whole stream of things.

I ask these questions as I look back at my daughter’s life. She died a few years ago, but the pain can still be quite strong. Her cells were screwed up. The brain cells that are supposed to migrate to her head didn’t all make it. In fact very few did, and yet she was a vibrant loving caring child for her three years she was with us. So I ask again, what makes us us, and where do we go from here?

Monday, May 5, 2008


It’s once again time for the obscure word of the month. (Okay, it may happen more often, but work with me here.) The American Heritage Dictionary gives pithy the following definition:

Precisely meaningful; forceful and brief

Since we are in an election cycle (when are we ever not in one anymore) this is a word that should be in its prime. Of course it is not, since the sound bite is anything but pithy. We would rather capture something that sounds good then something concise that has meaning, and that really is a shame.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Musing about Walking the Infinite

First off I was wondering what people think of this:

In WALKING THE INFINITE, Tom’s life’s devotion and dream was to finally get that promotion, the corner office, and all the perks. One night he was offered a chance to try it out, and it was everything he wanted and more. That more included a wife who wants a divorce, a boss with whom he’s having an affair, and the animosity of his coworkers. Tom now just wants to wake up from his dream turned nightmare.

Does this peak your interest? Is it too much, too little, or just right? Do you want a concluding question wondering how Tom gets back to his old life? These are just some of the things I’m working on to see if I let this go into the real world. The screenplay is ready for another try, I think, except for maybe the opening scene. I’m still not sold on it completely, so I am going to go back and make sure it really does serve not only it’s purpose, but also does it have the correct feel for the rest of the screenplay. I think visually it will hammer the point home, but I’m worried my discussion of it is a bit week. Here’s what I have (Please excuse the caps and formatting. I took it out of word and the copy lost all of it.):



People move along the sidewalks in a constant ebb and flow, like threads woven in a large tapestry.


The lunch vender cart forms a dam in the tide of people flowing along the sidewalk, allowing those waiting in line not to be jostled by the steady stream.


TOM BRADLEY is getting a hotdog topped off with chili. He looks around at the crowd forcing their way past the cart and shakes his head. He plunges into the crowd and gets swept away in the wave of humanity.


Tom walks slowly, trying not to wear the chili as people hurriedly spill around him.

Time slows as Tom looks up and sees an image of himself, OTHER TOM, checking out an attractive woman passing by. Other Tom is wearing a severe suit with a blazing yellow tie. Tom looks to his right and sees another SELF IMAGE wearing a cowboy hat and carrying a guitar who waves at him.

A WOMAN comes through the crowd from behind Tom and bumps him, causing Tom to fumble his hotdog.

Time speeds back up and Other Tom and Self Image fade away as Tom spills the chili all down his front.

What the hell?

Watch where you’re going!

VISION TOM steps up out of thin air gets in the woman’s face.

No, you watch where you’re going, you dumb…

The Vision Tom fades away. The Woman is still staring at Tom.

Sorry, I was daydreaming there.

The Woman shakes her head and walks away as Tom tries to clean up the mess with a small napkin.

Tom finishes and is about to cross the street when a BOOMING VOICE stops him.

You there. Have you ever walked the infinite?

What do you think? I’m thinking of getting rid of at least one other Tom to make it simpler to read, even though I would love to have a bunch of other Toms in the opening scene, just to show that something is different here. If someone wants to read it just let me know and I’ll send it to you. Also, if anyone has a good idea on how to shoot multiple Toms with stuff I have at my house (green screen (can get one), software (which one to use), Hi def camera) then maybe I would try shooting it here, but change it to a small town instead of Chicago (though I do like the idea of this being in Chicago).

Monday, April 28, 2008

Another crazy idea

I worry about me sometimes. I really do try to come up with normal stories, stories about everyday people, but for some reason my mind wanders into the bizarre department and shows me things that most people would just shake their heads at in disbelief. Me? I quickly write down the idea and try to figure out how to blow it up real big. My idea this time, without giving too much away since I don’t have it all down yet, is someone getting multiple personalities, but those personalities being positive and not trying to destroy the character’s life. How the character gets these personalities is a bit insane, but I was originally trying to come up with a good comedy, and nothing yells comedy like a buddy film, even if your buddies are all internal to the main character. Now before someone gets upset this isn’t going to be a classic psychosis, and I’m not going to belittle people who go through that form of hell. At least I hope that’s what it doesn’t come across as. I’ll see when I hand it out for people to read, if it gets that far. Right now I’m trying to figure out how many personalities I should allow him to acquire (yes I said acquire), and what does he have to do with them. The more I look at this and I tell myself this just is too silly, but I am sure Robert Klane thought the same thing about spending a weekend with a dead guy, and Weekend at Bernie’s was quite fun. (Don’t bring up the sequel.)